
Historical Coyote Linux website content being restored

Work is being performed to restore the historical site contents to Using a combination of old backups and snapshots in the's "Wayback Machine", nearly 30 years of Coyote Linux archive content is being partially restored. Restorations of the historical downloads, source code, site news, and hopefully the forum content are being worked on.

The forum content will be the tough one to get restored. There were tens of thousands of posts in the forums when they went offline over a decade ago. Thus far, a database backup of this content has yet to be located. Attempting to restore such content from external archives would simply be too massive of a task.

Digital backups of very old historical content was stored on CD or DVD and were not stored in proper conditions to maintain the media integrity.


Coyote Linux is a security-centric mini-distribution of Linux designed specifically to function as a network edge firewall and VPN server. Developed by Vortech Consulting, LLC, Coyote is tailored for users who prioritize safety and efficiency in their home networks while preferring a simplistic and minimal solution.

Originally launched in 1999 during an era when consumer internet routers were non-existent, Coyote Linux emerged from the need for effective internet sharing across home and small business networks.

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